

TRIBOO's NeverEnding Furniture collection, 3D printed circular furniture made from waste, paves the way for furniture transportation without trucks, boats, trains and planes. Furniture no longer needs to travel all over the world via traditional fossil-powered vehicles on its way to its destination. Nor does furniture have to travel all over the world via electrically powered vehicles. No, this circular furniture travels to its destination via digital highways made of fiberglass. They are printed locally in production HUBS close to customers so that only the last mile needs to be driven.

This can drastically reduce the CO2 footprint of furniture worldwide. The number of vehicles needed fossil or electric can also be reduced. This will create more space on existing highways and reduce wasted energy.

Do you think this is the distant future? No, it can already be done today by having your furniture printed on one of our hubs. Talking circular furnishing elements like table bases, planters and lamps to name a few. Currently TRIBOO can offer this service in the Netherlands, Belgium, Slovakia and Abu Dhabi. More countries will follow in the near future.

Help and work with TRIBOO to redesign your office, school, hotel or store. The more furniture we print, the more print hubs will be built. By choosing differently, together we will make an impact in reducing CO2 emissions and vehicle use.