

TRIBOO and Sweco have joined forces to take responsibility as a value chain for high quality raw materials.

Partners of Smart WorkPlace talk about their dreams and ideals. In Op de Stippe Smart WorkPlace visits innovative Workplace Managers. In the first episode Sweco and TRIBOO speak out.

Kitty Sluisman, Facility Manager at Sweco, is the first guest of Op de Stip together with Marc van der Heijden of TRIBOO. Kitty and Marc passionately talk about the circular working environment at Sweco - an interview about opportunities and ambitions.

Sweco's goal is to be CO2 neutral and 100% circular in its internal operations by 2035. And they are working hard at it, each department in its own field. Within the Facility Management department this results in beautiful and challenging projects. Examples are: making the vehicle fleet sustainable, circular purchasing, making housing and the working environment more sustainable.

Kitty Sluisman explains why the company chose this: "We want to offer the people who work at Sweco and the clients who enter our building every day a high-profile environment that challenges them to look at everyday things differently. The circular products of TRIBOO fit this perfectly."

Marc van der Heijden states in Op de Stip that "the most beautiful product is a failed product". He tells how the beautiful circular flower pot came about from an initial failure: "Kitty therefore advised us to include the 'failure' as a learning pot in our range. It now even stands at Sweco's entrance as an illustration of the motto 'to learn is to make mistakes'!"

TRIBOO and Sweco have joined forces to take responsibility as a value chain for high-quality raw materials. When the products are no longer needed at Sweco, TRIBOO will weigh the volume and pay Sweco back the raw material value per kilo. This is possible because TRIBOO, as a producer, can reuse the raw material in its factory. It then finds its way to a new customer. In this way, TRIBOO wants to demonstrate that waste does not exist.