
Why Anna Blom chooses a no electric sit-stand home workplace from Triboo

Her name is Anna and she is an animator. Not a job you often hear about, but one we see more results from than we think. Many films and advertisements have animation.


Her name is Anna and she is an animator. Not a job you often hear about, but one we see more results from than we think. Many films and advertisements have animation. Anna works with hand-drawn animation: each picture is drawn separately. She does this on the computer with a screen tablet: a computer screen on which she can draw directly with a special pen that acts as a mouse and also registers the pressure on the pen.

But then, how does one end up with animation? From the moment she understood that she could make pictures, she has been busy with that. It started with finger paints and grew to learning how to hold a pencil. She also used to turn colouring pictures around, so that she could make her own drawing on the back of the sheet. After first trying a "normal" study, which didn't work out, she started looking for where her passion lies. Drawing, of course! She had always drawn on everything that was loose and stuck anyway. So it had to be art school. There, she went into animation to breathe life into her own drawings.

Now, after a bachelor and master degree in animation, she is a freelancer. Sometimes she works for studios and then she has to work on location, but for many other types of projects she works from home. That's why she has her own screen tablet and why she wanted a sit/stand desk. And now she has one!

As an artist, it is easy to sit at your desk curled up like a little shrimp. Only thing is, you need your whole arm. Drawing is mainly done from the shoulder, so you want to make sure your whole body is healthy. And sitting on a chair for eight hours at a time with your nose pressed up against the screen is clearly not going to help that. Many people will recognise the concept of "being in the flow". Especially in creative professions, it is important to be able to continue working undisturbed. For Anna, it was therefore important to find a sit/stand desk that would disrupt my process as little as possible and the NO ELECTRIC sit/stand desk does that for me! Press the button, slide the desk up and continue immediately. No hassle with turning a crank or having to wait for a slow electric motor... Really super!

For Anna, it is really nice to be able to stand while working. She likes to put her desk a bit higher, so that she is not bent over her screen. Just being able to stand up and relax in between meals does so much for her! Not only does it make her body feel better, but it also gives her more energy, which is very welcome.

And coming back to the screen tablet... That thing is SO heavy! The standard desk top is very heavy, so you would immediately be over the limit of what the desk could carry and the laptop wouldn't even be on it. But that was quickly solved with a lightweight #greengridz desk! This saved 18 kilos of material compared to a solid top! And the nice thing about it was that I had a lot more choice in colours! So in the end I went for a dark green top with a white frame for the desk. It gives me a bit of a birch tree feeling.

Naast werk kan Anna ook goed genieten van haar werkplek in eigen tijd. Zij zit nog graag te tekenen in haar vrije tijd en is bezig met het uitvogelen van een verhaal wat haar leuk lijkt om te vertellen. Zij vindt het zelf het leukste om verhalen te vertellen waar een boodschap in zit die mensen echt iets brengt! Short stories with life lessons! In haar eigen werk kan ze dat natuurlijk gemakkelijk doen, want dan is zij de enige die er iets over te zeggen heeft! En als zij dit ook in haar betaalde werk kan krijgen, dan is dat een geweldige bonus. Dat is volgens Anna vooral mogelijk als er een fijne synergie met de klant is, iets waar zij zelf graag naar streeft.</p><p>En op de sporadische momenten dat Anna niet aan het tekenen is, is ze meestal aan het kletsen met vrienden en komen al gauw de spelletjes tevoorschijn. Of ze is lekker aan het zingen, hoewel dat ook heel goed tegelijk kan met tekenen, haha!